CPU generation fingerprinting

This webpage will run JavaScript and WebAssembly benchmarks to gather information about the generation of your CPU.
It is designed for the latest version of Firefox and Chrome

  1. Enter the model of your CPU in the box under. You can find information on how to get your cpu model on the FAQ at the bottom of the page.
  2. Ensure that no heavy computation is running on your system: other tabs, videos, background processes.
  3. Copy paste your cpu model in the text box. You can find instructions on how to get it in the FAQ below.
  4. Press the "start experiments" button. The experiments can take up to a few minutes.
  5. Copy and paste the EXACT content of the result box and mail to fp.cpu.gen@gmail.com in a file, for instance results.json

For linux user, you can run the following command: "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -m 1 "model name" .

Please copy the whole CPU name, including the frequency. It generally looks like: "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8365U CPU @ 1.60GHz".

On Windows, Press win + r. This should open a small window in the lower left corner.

Type cmd.exe and hit Enter. This should open a command prompt.

Type wmic cpu get name in the prompt and hit Enter. Your CPU model is the second line of the output.

Please copy the whole CPU name, including the frequency. It generally looks like: "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8365U CPU @ 1.60GHz".

On mac, you can run the following command: sysctl -a | grep brand .

Please copy the whole CPU name, including the frequency. It generally looks like: "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8365U CPU @ 1.60GHz".
By running these experiments, we try to determine the port usage of WebAssembly instructions in order to determine the generation of your CPU.

This information could be useful in different attack scenarios and should not be available from the JavaScript sandbox.

Additionaly, such benchmarks are interesting from a fingerprinting point of view as users can not modify the output to imitate another CPU.

We will only store the data that you send us, i.e. your cpu model as well as timing measurements of port contention instructions.
We do not store any personnal information such as name or location.
Of course not ! However, as the benchmark is quite computational heavy, it may slow down your computer for a small time, while running the experiments. But as soon as you've closed down the window, everything will be fine.